Since 1918, the Azure Mountain Fire Tower has watched over the Northern Adirondacks from the Eastern High Peaks to the St. Lawrence Valley.
The Beginning
In 2001, some hikers caught wind that the Department of Environmental Conservation of New York was planning on dismantling and removing the then-dilapidated fire tower forever.
Acting quickly, the group discovered that if an educational purpose could be developed for a fire tower, which was not in a designated Wilderness, then the state would allow the tower to remain.
And thus, Azure Mountain Friends was born.

AMF is dedicated to the education and preservation of the mountain and its fire tower.
By maintaining and improving the tower, trail, and parking lot for safe public use. Informal volunteer work days occur during the warmer months of the year.
By protecting the summit environment through educational awareness and a summit steward program.
By developing and maintaining an educational component that highlights the mountain’s human history and natural features.
Azure Mountain Friends’ scholarship program encourages local students to be good land stewards.
To work cooperatively with and under the supervision of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) in its activities.